On the road

Nepal in my heart


It`s been to weeks ago since I left Nepal now. This country gave me one of the best experiences of my life. Trekking in the mountains in Nepal is a humble, beautiful and majestic experience. The people there were part of giving me the adventure I had, warm, welcoming and kind. I keep the joyfull memories close to my heart every day.

I found out yesterday that everybody from our team are safe and alive, and I have no words for how grateful I am for that. I`m still waiting on words on how a girl Nansy and me met in Sri Lanka is, but I keep my hopes up.

I applaude the world for coming together so quickly to help, and have so much respect and grattitude for the people who go to help. I wish to do my part too, and I hope you do the same. If you don`t know where to start, click on this link and help in any way you can: Help to our sisters and brothers in Nepal.


En kommentar om “Nepal in my heart

  1. 😦 det er så vanskelig å forstå dei enorme odeleggelser….og lidelsene til folket,som hadde lite fra før,antallet døde bare stiger for kvar dag som går…men alle kan hjelpe litt ved gi det dei kan.


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